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How to follow your jobs

Running jobs

You can check the jobs that are running using squeue.

[username@clust-slurm-client Methylator]$ squeue --me

Information about past jobs

The sacct command gives you information about past and running jobs. The documentation is here. You can get different information with the --format option. For instance:

[username@clust-slurm-client Methylator]$ sacct --format=JobID,JobName,Start,CPUTime,MaxRSS,ReqMeM,State
       JobID    JobName               Start    CPUTime     MaxRSS     ReqMem      State 
------------ ---------- ------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
9875767          BigWig 2020-07-27T16:02:48   00:00:59               80000Mn  COMPLETED 
9875767.bat+      batch 2020-07-27T16:02:48   00:00:59     87344K    80000Mn  COMPLETED 
9875768         BigWigR 2020-07-27T16:02:51   00:00:44               80000Mn  COMPLETED 
9875768.bat+      batch 2020-07-27T16:02:51   00:00:44     85604K    80000Mn  COMPLETED 
9875769             PCA 2020-07-27T16:02:52   00:01:22                2000Mn  COMPLETED 
9875769.bat+      batch 2020-07-27T16:02:52   00:01:22    600332K     2000Mn  COMPLETED 
9875770         multiQC 2020-07-27T16:02:52   00:01:16                2000Mn  COMPLETED 
9875770.bat+      batch 2020-07-27T16:02:52   00:01:16    117344K     2000Mn  COMPLETED 
9875773        snakejob 2020-07-27T16:04:35   00:00:42                2000Mn  COMPLETED 
9875773.bat+      batch 2020-07-27T16:04:35   00:00:42     59360K     2000Mn  COMPLETED 
9875774             DEA 2020-07-27T16:05:25   00:05:49                2000Mn    RUNNING 

Here you have the job ID and name, its starting time, its running time, the maximum RAM used, the memory you requested (it has to be higher than MaxRSS, otherwise the job fails, but not much higher to allow the others to use the resource), and job status (failed, completed, running).

Add -S MMDD to have older jobs (default is today only).

[username@clust-slurm-client Methylator]$ sacct --format=JobID,JobName,Start,CPUTime,MaxRSS,ReqMeM,State -S 0518

Cancelling a job

If you want to cancel a job: scancel job number

[username@clust-slurm-client Methylator]$ scancel 8016984

Nota: when snakemake is working on a folder, this folder is locked so that you can't start another DAG and create a big mess. If you cancel the main job, snakemake won't be able to unlock the folder (see below).

Having errors?

To quickly check if everything went fine, you have to check the main log. If everything went fine you'll have :

Date: 2024-05-06T14:51:26+0200
User: username
Host: cpu-node141
Job Name: WGBSflow
Job Id: 32076364
Directory: /shared/projects/wgbs_flow/Elouan/WGBSflow
WGBS version: v0.1
Main module versions:
Loaded modules : snakemake/7.25.0
conda 23.3.1
Python 3.11.3
apptainer version 1.2.2-1.el7
type of data:
| RUN ID : 20240506T1451 |
Starting WGBS workflow on project: Test_WGBS
Free disk is measured for the cluster project (folder): wgbs_flow
Workflow summary
Is FASTQ quality control required ?  no
Is trimming required ?  yes
Is mapping required ?  yes
Do you want to do the globale exploration ?  yes
Do you need to do differentially methylation analysis ?  yes
Workflow running....
Starting Trimming...
Nothing to be done (all requested files are present and up to date).

Starting Mapping...
Nothing to be done (all requested files are present and up to date).

Starting exploratory analysis...
Exploratory analysis is done! (0:01:31)

Starting differential analysis...
Differential analysis is done! (0:02:25)

snakemake --profile=configs/  --config time_string=20240506T1451 
Starting final report...
The final report is done! (0:00:41)

---- Errors ----
There were no errors ! It's time to look at your results, enjoy!
Job finished 2024-05-06T14:56:12+0200
---- Total runtime 286 s ; 4 min ----

If not, you'll see a summary of the errors:

And you can check the problem looking as the specific log file, here logs/20231104T0921_mapping.txt

You can have the description of the error in the SLURM output corresponding to the external jobid, here 13605307:

[username @ clust-slurm-client Methylator]$ cat slurm_output/slurm-13605307.out

Common errors

Error starting gedit on IFB

If you encounter an error starting gedit

[unsername @ clust-slurm-client 16:04]$ ~ : gedit toto.txt
(gedit:6625): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: 

Be sure to include -X when connecting to the cluster (-X option is necessary to run graphical applications remotely). Use :

You@YourComputer:~$ ssh -X unsername@core.cluster.france-bioinformatique.fr


You@YourComputer:~$ ssh -X -o "ServerAliveInterval 10" unsername@core.cluster.france-bioinformatique.fr

The option -o "ServerAliveInterval 10" is facultative, it keeps the connection alive even if you're not using your shell for a while.

Initial QC fails

If you don't get MultiQC report_quality_control.html report in results/EXAMPLE/fastqc, you may have some fastq files not fitting the required format: - SampleName_R1.fastq.gz and SampleName_R2.fastq.gz for pair-end data, - SampleName.fastq.gz for single-end data.

Please see how to correct a batch of FASTQ files.


I set up the memory necessary for each rule, but it is possible that big datasets induce a memory excess error. In that case the job stops and you get in the corresponding Slurm output something like this:

slurmstepd: error: Job 8430179 exceeded memory limit (10442128 > 10240000), being killed
slurmstepd: error: Exceeded job memory limit
slurmstepd: error: *** JOB 8430179 ON cpu-node-13 CANCELLED AT 2020-05-20T09:58:05 ***
Will exit after finishing currently running jobs.

In that case, you can increase the memory request by modifying in workflow/resources.yaml the mem entry corresponding to the rule that failed.

[username@clust-slurm-client Methylator]$ cat workflow/resources.yaml
  mem: 500
  name: rnaseq
  cpus: 1

  mem: 6000
  name: QC
  cpus: 2

  mem: 6000
  name: trimming
  cpus: 8

For help you define an adequate reservation of resources (cores and memory).You can use the « Slurm job efficiency report » (seff) that reports on the efficiency of a job’s CPU and memory utilization. Launch the command below, once the execution of the job is complete

(base) [username@ipop-up WGBSflow]$ seff 32076366
Job ID: 32076366
Cluster: production
User/Group: bethuel/umr7216
State: COMPLETED (exit code 0)
Nodes: 1
Cores per node: 4
CPU Utilized: 00:00:55
CPU Efficiency: 24.12% of 00:03:48 core-walltime
Job Wall-clock time: 00:00:57
Memory Utilized: 1.31 GB
Memory Efficiency: 1.12% of 117.19 GB

If the rule that failed is not listed here, you can add it respecting the format. And restart your workflow. Pour les qui règles qui peuvent demander beaucoup de ressources, si la règle échoue elle est automatiquement relancé en augmentant la mémoire. Ceci permet d'éviter de relancer le workflow. Dans ce cas les fichiers logs affiche des messages d'erreurs à chaque fois que la règle échoue, même s'il est réussi avec la mémoire suffisante.

Folder locked

When snakemake is working on a folder, this folder is locked so that you can't start another DAG and create a big mess. If you cancel the main job, snakemake won't be able to unlock the folder and next time you run Workflow.sh wgbs, you will get the following error:

Error: Directory cannot be locked. Please make sure that no other Snakemake process is trying to create the same files in the following directory:
If you are sure that no other instances of snakemake are running on this directory, the remaining lock was likely caused by a kill signal or a power loss. It can be removed with the --unlock argument.

In order to remove the lock, run:

[username@clust-slurm-client Methylator]$ sbatch scripts/Unlock.sh

Then you can restart your workflow.

Storage space

Sometimes you may reach the quota you have for your project. To check the quota, run:

[username@clust-slurm-client Methylator]$ lfsgetquota YourProjectName

In principle it should raise an error, but sometimes it doesn't and it's hard to find out what is the problem. So if a task fails with no error (typically during mapping), try to make more space (or ask for more space on IFB Community support or iPOP-UP Community support) before trying again.

Metadata line break

Lorsque vous compléter le metadat il est possible que des suats de lignes, des erreurs d'indentations ou autre entraine un message d erreur comme celui-çi :

---- Errors ----
Results/MUSCLE_SK_PIG/logs/20240514T1517_fastq_dump_QC.txt  -File path Results/MUSCLE_SK_PIG//fastqc/SRA.log contains double '/'. This is likely unintended. It can also lead to inconsistent results of the file-matching approach used by Snakemake.
Results/MUSCLE_SK_PIG/logs/20240514T1517_fastq_dump_QC.txt  -File path 'Results/MUSCLE_SK_PIG/fastqc/   
Results/MUSCLE_SK_PIG/logs/20240514T1517_fastq_dump_QC.txt  -SRR7812212_R1_fastqc.html' contains line break. This is likely unintended. It can also lead to inconsistent results of the file-matching approach used by Snakemake.
Results/MUSCLE_SK_PIG/logs/20240514T1517_fastq_dump_QC.txt  -File path 'Results/MUSCLE_SK_PIG/fastqc/   
Results/MUSCLE_SK_PIG/logs/20240514T1517_fastq_dump_QC.txt  -SRR7812212_R2_fastqc.html' contains line break. This is likely unintended. It can also lead to inconsistent results of the file-matching approach used by Snakemake.
Results/MUSCLE_SK_PIG/logs/20240514T1517_fastq_dump_QC.txt  :MissingInputException in rule summaryReport in file /shared/projects/wgbs_flow/Elouan/WGBSflow_1/workflow/fastq_dump_QC.rules, line 111:
Results/MUSCLE_SK_PIG/logs/20240514T1517_fastq_dump_QC.txt  -Missing input files for rule summaryReport:
Results/MUSCLE_SK_PIG/logs/20240514T1517_fastq_dump_QC.txt  -    output: Results/MUSCLE_SK_PIG/fastqc/report_quality_control.html, Results/MUSCLE_SK_PIG/fastqc/report_quality_control_data
Results/MUSCLE_SK_PIG/logs/20240514T1517_fastq_dump_QC.txt  -    affected files:
Results/MUSCLE_SK_PIG/logs/20240514T1517_fastq_dump_QC.txt  -        Results/MUSCLE_SK_PIG/fastqc/  
Results/MUSCLE_SK_PIG/logs/20240514T1517_fastq_dump_QC.txt  -SRR7812212_R1_fastqc.html

Paired-end or single-end ?

When downloading FASTQ files with the SRA option, errors in the data description are often encountered. The most common one is a confusion between paired-end and single-end data. It frequently happens that sequencing is announced as single-end on SRA but is actually paired-end. In such cases, the "Per Base Sequence Content" graph in the FASTQC file looks like this:


Good practice

  • Always save job ID or the dateTtime (ie 20230615T1540) in your notes when launching Workflow.sh wgbs. It's easier to find the outputs you're interested in days/weeks/months/years later.

Juggling with several projects

If you work on several projects [as defined by cluster documentation], you can either - have one independant installation of Methylator / project with its own Singularity Image (2 Go). To do that, git clone Methylator repository in each project. - have an independant Methylator folder, but share the Singularity Image. To do that, git clone Methylator repository in each project, but, before running any analysis, create a symbolic link of wgbsflow.simg from your first project:

[username@clust-slurm-client PROJECT2]$ cd Methylator
[username@clust-slurm-client Methylator]$ ln -s /shared/projects/YourFirstProjectName/Methylator/wgbsflow.simg/ wgbsflow.simg
- Have only one Methylator folder and start all your analysis from the same project, but reading input files and writing result files in a different project.


Make aliases

To save time avoiding typing long commands again and again, you can add aliases to your .bashrc file (change only the aliases, unless you know what you're doing).

[username@clust-slurm-client ]$ cat ~/.bashrc 
# .bashrc

# Source global definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
    . /etc/bashrc

# Uncomment the following line if you don't like systemctl's auto-paging feature:

# User specific aliases and functions

alias qq="squeue -u username"
alias sa="sacct --format=JobID,JobName,Start,CPUTime,MaxRSS,ReqMeM,State"
alias ll="ls -lht --color=always"

It will work next time you connect to the server. When you type sa, you will get the command sacct --format=JobID,JobName,Start,CPUTime,MaxRSS,ReqMeM,State running.

Quickly change fastq names

It is possible to quickly rename all your samples using mv. For instance if your samples are named with dots instead of underscores and without R:

[username@clust-slurm-client Raw_fastq]$ ls

You can modify them using mv and a loop on sample numbers.

[username@clust-slurm-client Raw_fastq]$ for i in `seq 27 32`; do mv D192T$i\.1.fastq.gz D192T$i\_R1.fastq.gz; done
[username@clust-slurm-client Raw_fastq]$ for i in `seq 27 32`; do mv D192T$i\.2.fastq.gz D192T$i\_R2.fastq.gz; done

Now sample names are OK:

[username@clust-slurm-client Raw_fastq]$ ls